Memorandum of Understanding signed with The Global Institute on Innovation Districts
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Al Madinah Region Development Authority
SCI-Japan hosts the “Japan Pavilion” at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2024 in Barcelona
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Taiwan’s Taipei Computer Association
Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Taiwan’s Institute for Information Industry
While Japan's population declines and ages, various social issues are becoming more serious, including intensifying natural disasters and the spread of COVID-19. Under the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation, the government of Japan aims to realize a "fulfilling life" (Well-Being) by solving social issues and enhancing regional charm through the use of digital technology, while utilizing each region's uniqueness. In this context, smart city initiatives aimed at improving the Well-Being are finally entering the implementation stage across the country. The Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-Japan) was established in October 2019 as a private sector-led not-for-profit organization as a knowledge and public-private-academic partnership platform to promote the expansion and advancement of smart cities in Japan. We aim to expand and advance Japan's smart cities through the following and other efforts:
As articulated in the Society 5.0 initiatives, installing smart cities in Japan has been one of the priority measures to resolve social and economic issues related to mobility, health, tourism, energy, environment, finance, government services, etc. Recently, Japanese diet passed the Digital Procedure Law to accelerate digitalization of administrative procedures of governments, which is expected to serve as an important basis for promoting smart cities.
The Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-Japan) has been established as a not-for-profit organization by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. and Nikkei, Inc. SCI-J aims to provide a membership program for public, private, and social sector organizations engaged in the development of smart cities in Japan.
SCI-J will conduct in-depth quality research report on the world’s leading smart cites through close collaboration with major universities and research institutions around the globe. Based on the research, SCI-J will organize seminars, symposiums, and business tours for members, support members build knowledge base necessary to design and implement smart cities.
To promote best practices of smart cities and encourage further enrichment of new smart city ideas, SCI-J will grant annual awards to local governments, companies, startups, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals who significantly contribute to advancement of smart cities in Japan. As a way of developing young leaders dedicated to smart city development, SCI-J will introduce smart city research challenge contests for undergraduate and graduate students in collaboration with members and sponsors.
▶Please see the list of members here.
▶Please see the list of members with logos here.
Applications from companies and organizations agreeing with the purpose and activities of SCI-Japan will be granted membership subject to board review of the application documents.
Major Activities
Research : Research on the world’s leading smart cities and produce reports regularly
Training : Organize seminars / symposiums on and business tour to the world’s leading smart cities via collaboration with universities and research institutions worldwide
Award : Commend excellent cases and organizations
Research Contest : Challenge opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to deepen knowledge on smart cities
Membership Type / Qualifications
Full Member A: Commercial enterprises
Full Member B: Commercial enterprises with a capitalization of below 100 million yen
Associate Member: Startups that are less than five years old with a capitalization of 100 million yen or less
※ Recommendation by a Full or Associate member is required
Supporting Member : Local governments, universities, research institutions, not-for-profit organizations
Annual Membership Fee
Full member A : 1 million yen
Full member B : 300 thousand yen
※ membership granted on a legal entity basis
Associate and Supporting Members : Free
Benefits of Joining Membership

*Free benefits is effective for 2 years. Fiscal year from October to September. Excludes travel expenses, accomodations, meals and travel insurance.